Appleworks Mailing Program Page [Page#] Setting Up Your Word Processor File for AMP 1. Set up a printer to print on disk. Be sure that the "print to disk" printer is the same as the one you will ultimately use to print the document. You need to do this only once; AppleWorks will save your printer configuration for future use. - Chapter 13 of your AppleWorks Reference Manual explains how to do this in the section "Adding a Printer." - If you already have three printers configured, you need to remove one to assign a printer to disk. Or you can make another copy of your AppleWorks program disk and configure different printers on that copy. - If you are using a custom printer, you will have to make a second copy of your AppleWorks program disk. Then configure the second copy with a custom printer that is identical to your current custom printer but is assigned to disk. Use the second copy of your program disk whenever you are printing to disk. Note: Printing to a printer on disk is not the same as printing to a text (ASCII) file on disk. Be sure you have completed step 1 before continuing. 2. Create a Word Processor file as you normally would in AppleWorks. Wherever you intend to merge information from your data base, type [MERGEx], replacing "x" with a number. The number corresponds to the order in which your categories appear in your Data Base report. [MERGEx] must be typed as shown with no spaces between "MERGE" and the number. For example, if your Data Base report looks like this: File: Mailing List REPORT FORMAT Escape: Report Menu Report: Mailing Program Selection: All Records ====================================================================== First Name Last Name Street Apartment City,State,Zip ----------------------Each record will print 5 lines------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Use options shown on Help Screen @-? for Help ...and your first record has this information: First Name: Rachel Last Name: Stein Street: 123 Main Street Apartment: Apt. 6B City,State,Zip: New York, NY 10001 ...and your Word Processor document looks like this: _________________________________________________ | | | April 18, 1965 | | | | [MERGE1] [MERGE2] | | [MERGE3] | | [MERGE4*] | | [MERGE5] | | | | Dear Ms. [MERGE2], | | | | We were very glad to hear that you and | | your husband will be able to attend the new... | |_________________________________________________| ...then your first printed letter will look like this! _________________________________________________ | | | April 18, 1965 | | | | Rachel Stein | | 123 Main Street | | Apt. 6B | | New York, NY 10001 | | | | Dear Ms. Stein, | | | | We were very glad to hear that you and | | your husband will be able to attend the new... | |_________________________________________________| If not all of your records include an entry for a certain category, you can avoid having a blank line in some of the letters by putting an asterisk at the end of the MERGE identifier for that category, such as [MERGE4] above. In this example, if some of the records in the Date Base have no apartment number, the entire line containing [MERGE4*] will be removed from those letters. This technique could also be used if some, but not all, of your records include a business name as well as an individual's name. 3. Print the Word Processor document to the printer that you have assigned to disk. The file must be printed to the same disk or subdirectory that contains the text (ASCII) file you printed from the Data Base earlier. Write down the full pathname of the file to which you print the document because you will need it later. 4. Printing to a file on disk does not save your file, so remember to save it before you leave AppleWorks. Configuring AMP for Your Printer You need to configure AMP for your printer only once. 1. Start up the AMP disk. 2. Press any key to continue past the opening screen. 3. Don't press RETURN, but type P to go to the Printer Setup Menu. 4. If necessary, change the specifications for your printer. They should match the specifications you normally use when printing with AppleWorks. However, if you intend to print on letterhead, you may want to set "Stop at end of each page" to "Yes" so you can change paper. When you're done, press ESC. Apple Daisy Wheel Printer: If you are using the Apple Daisy Wheel Printer, you must use the following linefeed settings: AppleWorks -- no linefeed after Return AMP -- no linefeed after Return printer interface card -- no linefeed after Return Daisy Wheel Printer -- linefeed after Return 5. You may now choose to save the printer configuration to disk. To do so, highlight your selection and press RETURN. (If you do not save it, it will remain in effect until you turn your Apple off or start another program.) IIc owners: If the serial ports are not already configured for your printer, you will have to first start up with the System Utilities disk that came with your system, configure your ports, and then start up AMP. Troubleshooting: o If your printer is producing double spacing, change option 2 to "no". o If your letter prints all on one line, change option 2 to "yes". o If your printed letter contains the MERGE identifier instead of the actual names and addresses, make sure you've used all capital letters in [MERGEx].